Written by 9:00 am Breast Cancer, Melanoma Views: 24

Written by WHATNEXT Staff Breast Cancer, Melanoma

Amanda Rice, Founder of the Chick Mission, Talks About Empowerment After 3 Cancer Diagnoses

Over at WHATNEXT partner site Patient Worthy, writer Jessica Lynn sat down with Amanda Rice — a 3-time cancer survivor — to talk about self-advocacy, fertility, and recovering from life-changing circumstances. Amanda was diagnosed with both breast cancer and melanoma, and she also struggled with mental health challenges during her journey.

One under-discussed issue that is important to Amanda is the issue of fertility after cancer treatment. She used the empowerment she felt after her cancer journey to affect change in her home state and beyond.

Jessica Lynn writes:

Sharing her story was cathartic—and even more so when the law changed so that women with iatrogenic infertility (infertility caused by a medical procedure like chemotherapy or radiation) no longer have to jump through hoops to receive support. Since that point, 16 states have changed their law; Louisiana, Montana, and Kentucky will join the charge in 2024.

You can read more about Amanda and her journey over at PatientWorthy.com.

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Last modified: March 12, 2024
